Highlighting Hy.ly – A Top 10 Must Have Virtual Leasing Tool

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Meet Hy.ly.  A virtual leasing tool that’s mission is to “change how multifamily works.” 

Their flagship products hyTours, & hySurvey promises marketers a new life. The current world of a prospective renter’s experience is frustrating, erratic and agent-driven.  Hy.ly upgrades their clients to a world of autonomous, consistent, and brand-compliant experiences!No wonder Hy.ly has is now listed as a ‘Top 10 Must Have Virtual Leasing Tool” and Hy.ly is now in 5 of the Top 6 NMHC Managers.Join us as we interviewed Robert Lee, Chief Operating Officer at Hy.ly, to help us better understand the benefits of their products. We also got lucky enough to get a sneak-peak of future products that have yet to hit the market!

Can you tell us about hyTours?

hyTours was the first online scheduling tool built exclusively for Multifamily in 2012. We took the problem of agents scheduling tours and automated the process. We won the 2017 MFE Best use of technology award in collaboration with Bozzuto.We reached out to a Bozzuto rep and see what they have to say about Hy.ly!

“We use Hy.ly at our community Monroe Street Market in Washington D.C.. It helps the team remain organized with scheduling in-person and virtual tours. It allows the team to plan accordingly and game plan for the day by having a visual of what to expect and ensures we staff appropriately to satisfy the number of anticipated tours. This platform seamlessly links to Yardi to accurately tracks traffic also which has been a bonus.”

– Derek Mayo, General Manager, Bozzuto

How is hyTours different from other Calendar Booking Apps?

hyTours allows out clients to seamlessly integrate with their CRM, PMS, Website, ILS and Social pages. Many other industry tools are limited to basic website templates and do not offer tour scheduling on all your advertising sources.

How did hyTours change during the pandemic? Can you explain some of the new features?

As soon as the pandemic hit, we started making changes to accommodate our clients. We quickly introduced the ability to update the language on the scheduler page & added a video tour option. Since then we have implemented a touring hub that encompasses all of your Video Tours, 3D Tours, In-person Tours, Live Video Tours and Self Guided tours.

Do you have any tips for property managers on how to perform live video tours?

Working with our clients in developing software we believe it’s all about establishing a process and best practices then implementing them into our applications. When we realized, agents were having to go back and forth with prospects to figure out if they wanted to facetime, zoom or use google meets we knew this could be done better. So hy.ly integrated end to end video into the tour experience saving agents precious time and the headache for the prospects.

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Can you tell us about hySurvey?

We developed hySurvey as a free application that helps properties share and track their weekly competitors numbers. Instead of phone calls and spread sheets its now a seamless process that logs the historical data.

What pain point does it help solve?

hySurvey eliminates the hassle of collecting comps via phone tag and long email thread by reminding your peers to complete their survey. Plus, it makes sure you don’t forget either!

“I’ve been using Hy.ly at my communities for years as our tour scheduling tool. I’ve found it very user friendly for both my teams and the prospective residents. It syncs with our Yardi platform and has been very helpful as we’ve moved to offering several touring options over the past year with virtual and self-guided tours being added.”

– Kelsey Clark, Regional Property Manager, Bell Partners
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How does hySurvey help keep properties competitive?

hySurvey archives all of your comp surveys and has interactive comparison charts so you can see how your property stacks up against the competition. Plus, your survey archive provides historical data, giving you the ability to track trends for you and your competitors

What is Hy.ly excited for in 2021 to share with the audience?

Hy.ly is excited to introduce attribution management for multifamily through our Hyly + offering this year! We are excited to continue our partnership with our existing clients to fill in the marketing gaps that help our clients lease more apartment homes.

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