CREtech Fireside Chat: Elevating the Tenant Experience
In this insightful discussion, Captivate’s VP, Research Kavita Chan and CTO Del McPhetridge join Emily Wright, Head of Content at CREtech, to explore the critical role of tenant communication in shaping a superior building experience. Together, they delve into the challenges property managers face, the importance of implementing effective communication strategies, and the transformative power of digital signage in boosting tenant engagement and satisfaction.
Key Takeaways:
- Tenant communication is often undervalued, yet it’s vital for property success.
- Digital signage cuts through email overload, providing a preferred communication method for tenants.
- What do tenants prefer? Consistent, engaging digital signage over traditional methods like email.
- Advanced tech and strong communication enhances perceived property value and tenant satisfaction.
- Effective communication improves tenant retention and fosters stronger relationships.
- Captivate’s content solutions make tenant communication more enjoyable and effective.
- Adapting to tenant preferences is essential for property managers.
- Improved tenant communication strategies directly benefit the bottom line.
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